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Training and Evaluation Cycle in the Western Balkans in short


In Programme countries, the Training and Evaluation Cycle is implemented by the National Agencies, in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (*), Montenegro and Serbia) the training and evaluation cycle is implemented by the SALTO SEE Resource Centre.

The cycle is split in offering support to two groups:

  • EVS/Erasmus+ Volunteers and 
  • E+ Volunteering organizations

For EVS/ Erasmus+ volunteers hosted in the region it consists of two sessions:

  • On-arrival training (only for volunteers with projects of 60 days or more, travel days excluded) and
  • Mid-term evaluation meeting (only for volunteers with projects of 6 months or, more precisely, 180 day or more, travel days excluded).

For volunteers going from the region to the projects in the Programme countries, it consists of one session:

  • Annual Erasmus+ volunteering Event (for both short and long-term volunteers); organized usually twice a year, in May and December. 

These training sessions give the opportunity to the volunteers to meet at regional level. To learn more about training sessions for volunteers in the Western Balkans please visit this sub-page on SALTO SEE web page

In order to support Erasmus+ volunteering organizations in the Western Balkans which are receiving and sending E+ volunteers and coordinating such projects, SALTO SEE in 2017 with the aim to further support quality implementation, started to organize National meetings for Erasmus+ volunteering organizations. For details, please visit this page.  

(*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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