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CfA: 2nd Europe - Western Balkans Youth Meeting


Dates: 23-25 May 2018

Venue: Podgorica, Montenegro

Application deadline: 20 April 2018

Application and additional information about the event are accessible here.

What has been the impact of the Berlin process in the field of youth? How can we contribute to moving further ahead? This seminar will explore these questions focusing on the themes of youth participation, civic education and social inclusion.

Four years have passed since the beginning of the Berlin process in 2014. Time to ask: What has been its impact in the field of youth? Where do we see a need for further action? How can we contribute to moving further ahead?

We want to take a particular look at fields where youth work can play an important role: youth participation and engagement, civic education (with a European dimension) and social inclusion, and explore:


  • What kinds of initiatives and projects have been implemented in the past years? 
  • What can be done, and what can we do to enhance their impact? 
  • What are key messages to inform the next summit of the Berlin process in London and other political processes?

The SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre together with the German, Macedonian and Slovenian National Agencies for Erasmus+, youth field, invite 30 youth work practitioners from Erasmus+ Programme countries and the Partner countries in the Western Balkans to reflect and discuss these questions, give visibility to inspiring practices, and formulate suggestions and recommendations aiming to stimulate further developments in the Western Balkans and the European integration of the region.

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